How to Skip Your Period Using the Birth Control Patch

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Hormonal birth control, such as the birth control patch, can be used to skip periods and reduce symptoms during your period. The impact of having a monthly period can be experienced as a minor inconvenience for some, yet it can also be a significant health concern for others. The use of the birth control patch gives people the choice to decide when and if they become pregnant while also allowing them the ability to control if and when they have a period.

Woman putting contraception patch on arm
IAN HOOTON / Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Research shows that many people are interested in trying contraception that extends their menstrual cycles. Many may have medical reasons for wanting to skip a period. The most common medical reasons that people give include headaches, cramping, painful periods, heavy bleeding, and PMS.

In this article, learn what the birth control patch is, how it works, and how to use it to skip a period.

What Is the Birth Control Patch?

The birth control patch is a weekly form of hormonal birth control. It is a discreet and reversible type of prescription contraception in the form of a plastic patch that sticks to a woman's skin.

A birth control patch uses estrogen and progestin. These hormones are absorbed from the patch into the skin and enter the bloodstream. They work to prevent pregnancy by introducing hormones that prevent ovulation.

Every week, users put a new patch on. Most people apply the patch to their abdomen, buttocks, or the outside of their upper arm. The patch must be replaced every week for three weeks, and on the fourth week, no patch is used. This is the week the user would get a period. Sometimes, this is called "withdrawal bleeding" because the withdrawal of hormones leads to a period.

Currently, two different brands of birth control patches are available in the United States: Xulane (norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol transdermal system) and Twirla (levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol).

Some people who start the birth control patch notice some spotting during the first few months of use. This is a common occurrence and should improve with time.

How to Skip Your Period Using the Patch

To skip your period, instead of leaving the patch off during the fourth week of the cycle, you need to continue the hormones by placing a new patch on during week four. Keeping the supply of hormones steady will eliminate your monthly withdrawal bleed. Here are the five steps to using the birth control patch to skip your period:

  1. Replace/change your contraceptive patch once a week for the three weeks as usual.
  2. At the end of week three, remove your patch.
  3. Put on a new patch during the fourth week.
  4. Continue using a new patch once a week for three consecutive weeks.
  5. When you reach the end of the third week on the patch, take it off, and your withdrawal bleed (i.e., period) should return.

Tips for Using the Patch to Skip Your Period

Using the birth control patch to skip your period would allow you to bypass the symptoms of a period, control the timing of your period, or avoid having a period altogether. Here are some tips if you are using the birth control patch to skip your period:

  • Make sure you have enough birth control patches on hand.​
  • Keep track of where you are in your cycle, as you must immediately replace your old contraceptive patch with a new one at the end of your third week of use.
  • If you only wish to skip one period, as soon as you begin to put on your new contraceptive patch (during week four), continue as you usually would. However, if you want to skip the next month’s period, just repeat steps two to five above.

Some people are concerned about the safety of skipping periods. Research has consistently shown that it is common and completely safe to do. Plus, the practice doesn't compromise the effectiveness of your birth control pills.

One thing to keep in mind is that some insurance companies will not allow you to pick up a prescription early, so make sure to check this out ahead of time if you are planning to skip your period and need to purchase additional patches.


The birth control patch is an effective method of preventing pregnancy and can also be used to skip periods when desired. By using a new patch during week four instead of having a week off from using the patch, the hormone withdrawal that causes bleeding is eliminated. If you have any questions about how to use the birth control patch effectively, consult with a healthcare professional.

5 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Dawn Stacey

By Dawn Stacey, PhD, LMHC
Dawn Stacey, PhD, LMHC, is a published author, college professor, and mental health consultant with over 15 years of counseling experience.